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traditional animatior. Also character designer and storyboard artist.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

All work and no ....

Working on a lot of different projects, writing, drawing, inking ect. I got a new pen so I'm putting up some of my inked sketches. It's an awesome brush pen(from an awesome person ;) that's ash) so I can really get some thickness to my line work and still be soft and delicate. I got completely carried away inking as you can see. It was an expressive stroke extravaganza (if such a thing exists) and who doesn't like elves?

Anyway... the story is combat based, old school sword and shield type battles and if you haven't figured it by now, features at least one elf. And if the ink strokes are really that excessive it's a female elf.

I don't know if there is a word for female elf... elfemale? That looks like spanish...

I've been up to late apparently.


Ashley Woods said...

i would like to see this in color...

good work as always.

james said...

What's up man. Cool work. In case you're wondering, Im the weird dude from Gamestop that talks waaaay too much! Remember? The one talking about my graphic novel and all that jazz?

Anyways, I finally checked out your site and I just wanted show some support. I'm hoping to get started on my website once I finish digitizing and coloring these pages(29 of em!).

james said...

Oh, and another thing, I'm leaving you a link to a nice little sit that I follow full of people self creating and publishing their own GN's. It's a great web community with a lot of resources without the massiveness of sites like Deviant Art.

The link takes you to one of my threads so you can see some of my stuff.
My screen name there is "James1000".

For the time being that is where I'll be posting artwork, so if you're so inclined you can check it out there from time to time. There are also a ton of other cool independent upstart projects there too.

And you don't need to be a member or anything:


Take care, and I'll be checkin your site out from time to time.