I've been trying to get used to life back in the suburbs and get back in to the habit of actually doing work.
I've been storyboarding and sketching a project that's been in development for a very long time now. The working title is "Wind" and it's based around a Native American. Right now it's looking like it be with out dialogue and might be around five minutes at the most.
The story it is based off of is about a young man who leaves life with his grandmother
to seek out his three brothers & their father. His brothers are the East, West and South Winds and he must prove himself worthy to live amongst them.
My other projects are comic books, which I am working with two different writers to create. One titled "Out of the Ordinary" was a concept I had but ended up catching my roommates attention. He worked with it and together we wound up creating something new and original. He's working on a final draft now and soon we'll decide whether or not we can do it in one shot or sections.
The other is a retake on a comic I had released under a different publication. Complications arose and the second issue just never got printed. So rather than just pick up where we left off we totally changed the ideas and a lot of the characters. The working title is the same as the old 110% but it won't be the actual title. It is a bunch of short stories dealing with characters attending a boarding school for archetypes like; Wizards, mad scientist, warriors, maidens in distress, ect.
I had a theory about how evolution (sexual dimorphism in particular) played in to our lives. Specifically in aspects that we take for granted like attraction to another person or what attracts us to that person.
These ladybug pictures are representational of that question. What crossed my mind was, for instance; could/would this creature with red spotted eyes, find an attraction to a ladybug since gazing at one would simulate staring at another one of its' species.
So I always wonder what parts of modern day attraction in human beings have been carried over directly from our past sexual dimorphism's.
I've been on the hinge of graduating, finishing projects and in the development stages for several more. A lot of time is going to be freed up once all this is done.Still preparing for our screening tomorrow. Finishing will be much more rewarding than the actual screening. Oh and apparently our short will also be screened at a gallery until some time in June. I'll be sure to post it.
Wow I've really been busy. If I'm not careful every one of these posts will be called catching up. I've just been working on my final projects in Flash 8 and editing another project of film which is time consuming but rewarding. The group project I've been working on will be screening Friday May 11th @ my school. I'm just glad it'll be done with. I'll put up some of the work I did from that once we screen the film. My short is still in rough stages but is coming along nicely. It should take much more than a month to be complete. That's if I don't get swamped with character designs and freelance. So it's a catch 22. For some reason I can't load up pictures right now so I'll try again later tonight.
P.S. Don't see Spiderman 3. It was terrible.