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traditional animatior. Also character designer and storyboard artist.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thought for the day- maybe the week, If you could do anything with your life, what would you do? Thought of that? Now if you had never learned what that desire was could you be happy with out /doing/becoming it? (that last question is the actual question I'm asking.) Usually this desire helps define who you are (helping people, determination ect.) so what's keeping you from becoming it now? Granted you don't want to grow up to be something like.. a house or something you are disqualified from being just being born. 
        Anyway dusted off an old sketch and inked in... Then got really lazy on the background -_-
        Change of plans, for some reason I cannot upload pics (been trying to last week) so while I figure that part out...


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