These were all made for a project now nearing the end of the production process. The entire project was done between several people.
These are costume designs I was doing for a Fan Fiction based film someone was doing. It was science fiction based but the director desired a very contemporary look. Kinda like the old west and tribal yet still futuristic.
These are costume designs I was doing for a Fan Fiction based film someone was doing. It was science fiction based but the director desired a very contemporary look. Kinda like the old west and tribal yet still futuristic.
These are character concepts for the graphic novel a friend and I are working on. We disagreed on how "she" should look and we wanted her to be menacing at times but still be able to be both attractive physically and a strong dominate personality. Not brainless eye candy. So it came down to eyes or with out eyes. A decision that still hasn't been totally settled.
Last but not least this was a little sketch I did while at a bar hanging out with some of Chicago's talented comic artist. The theme was robot chicks, even though I had just said I did not like/nor had the ability to draw robots. It's not much compared to theirs but it's something to look at.
yo! these are some really imaginative and inspirational characters. good work and keep it up! ^^
nice dude i like the hans solo-esck style. And the girl i'm guessing with her hair in front of her face looks great
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